The BA level course in Electronic Music was established in the academic year 2000-2001. The study
curriculum aims at providing a wide educational range including both theoretical and practical issues.
Classes include electroacoustic music history and aesthetic, psychoacoustic, electroacoustic and computer
science, ever holding as ultimate goal that of music creation. Indeed, the development of the student
creativity in all of the aspects inherent sound and technology remains the main objective of the Music and
New Technologies (MNT) School.
During the course, the focus is on the practical realization of what the student learns in the theoretical
classes. The acquired knowledge is always tested and consolidated, both in artistic and technological sense,
on the basis of a “learning by doing” approach.
The study curriculum, beside the main theme of musical production by means of the new technologies,
includes introductive courses to the employment of sound in interactive and multimedia contexts. These
courses are introductive to the main themes of the MA level course.
The potential professional opportunities are those of composer of electronic music, sound designer, programmer
of environments for musical performance and sound direction, live performer of electronic music, sound
director in theatres. The acquired professional background is also enriched by the introductive courses
on the multimedia and interactivity themes previously mentioned.
General information
- In order to be admitted to the entrance exam, the applicant needs to own a high-school diploma.
- Course duration: three years.
- The overall amount of class hours is reported in the study curriculum; part-time attendance is possible for working students.
- Study curriculum: Conservatorio G. Tartini - Sezione dipartimenti e scuole - Triennio MNT
- Fees: Conservatorio G. Tartini - Sezione Contributi